Monday, October 11, 2010

CRAZY days in band/guard!

CRAZY days in Band/Guard!

This last Saturday was super crazy, crazy, crazy! We had the homecoming parade and football game. Basically our day started around 8 when I dropped Dustin off at the stadium to tune his drum and get ready. Then I parked down by the Richards Building on campus and my coach Ashlee came to pick me up so we could go get equipment and park close to where we were meeting. When we got to the stadium I realized my shirt was in the car, but yes I was wearing another one, haha. So after grabbing the 17 flags and running out of the stadium to the car with them (not an easy task) we hurried back to my car so I could get my uniform shirt. We drove up to the top of campus and as I was getting out I asked Ashlee who was holding the banner, haha ops we forgot that. So we rushed back grabbed that and put it together, arriving back to where we were meeting about 5 minutes before we stepped off, the parade step-off was at 10.The parade was a ton of fun and there were some comments that were so funny/cute. Like one girl, about 3 who was like, "mommy mommy, I want to be one of those when i grow up", aw so adorable. The funniest was probably an about 8 year old boy who said, "wow, they are really hot", haha it was really hard to keep from laughing at that. Dustin did a fantastic job carying his super heavy drum for the full hour it took to march the parade! WOW kudos to him!!!! and I got shinsplints rollstepping that long, haha not used to that. It was fun to see some old roommates and friends watching the parade.Also my freshman sister Kimber helped design and rode on the float for RHA, which she is a part of. Their float got the Grand Marshall Award (meaning best float overall)! pretty impressive. Their theme was about being lost and found and they had a giant mirror and question mark on the float as well as a humongous manila envelope that read CASE SOLVED across it and their theme running around the base with footprints.
For Dustin and I the craziness is not quite up. We have our Rocky Mountain Competition tomorrow night. There will be tons of bands from all over Utah competing starting at 4pm and we will perform around 8:30 as the Host Band, right before the awards ceremony. It's going to be phenomenal if anyone wants to come, tickets are pretty cheep I believe.

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