Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Baby Hill #3

Life is a Miracle!

Today little Parker is one week old! Wow can't believe how fast this past week has gone. There is no way I could have survived the last week (well 2 really) if my mom and little brother hadn't been here! They have been so much help with Mylie and Taysom! 

Parker James Hill was born on August 5, 2015 at 4:16pm weighing in at 9lbs even and stretching 22in long. MY SMALLEST BABY YET! :D haha. He was an easy delivery which was a blessing because adjusting to life at home with 3 has been more difficult than I thought it would be. 

We went into the hospital at 6 they hooked me up to machines to monitor baby's heart and get base readings. At 6:30 they put in the iv and started fluids and checked me to get a starting point I was dilated to a 2 (same as it had been at my apt a week previous, and my cervix was soft so that was good). At 7 the nurses changed shifts and I was sad because I loved then nurse we had had for the past 1.5 hours. But my new nurse was just as AWESOME! We loved having her so much! Knowing that then et part would take a while (for the pitocin to kick in and then slowly be turned up) Dust got out the iPad for me and I started getting caught up on some SYTYCD :D turns out my nurse LOVED that show too and we chatted about the season and past seasons which was fun. A little later my doctor popped in and checked on me. Then they started my pitocin and antibiotics (cuz I was strep b positive, which is really common and just means you have to get a antibiotic. I was the same with both of my other kids). Around 11:30 I was dilated to a 3.5 and finally having pretty hard/painful contractions so I got the epidural (best thing ever!). This time I didn't wait till i was a 9-10 haha ;P At noon my doctor broke my water. I stayed dilated to a 5 from about 1-3 which was sorta frustrating. At 3:30 I was fully dilated and felt like I had a bowling ball between my legs haha. In the last half hour ish I had gone from a 5 to a 10. The nurse was pretty surprised things had progressed that quickly and I felt like the baby was coming down more with each contraction and even working a bit if my Dr. would make it back in time. By the time she got there and got all her stuff on for the delivery it was like 4:14 and I had one contraction, pushed 3 times, and he was out in about two minutes!!!! CRAZY! When he came out Dustin's first comment was woa! Deja vu! He looked so much like Taysom, just a little thinner and longer! Haha ;) I tore a little bit, but not bad so recovery has been pretty good! I'm just trying to take it really easy (i didn't with taysom and that was my mistake cuz I felt really good, but then started bleeding again worse when I got home and doing things).

Parker has really long feet like Mylie did and long skinny legs too. He is such a sweet baby and has been really good, except for the eating/sleeping part days 4-7! But I think he wasn't getting latched on well and taking in a lot of air. yesterday afternoon I pumped and he took a bottle good and I think the practice sucking has helped a lot because last night was way better! He slept in two big chunks! 5 and 4 hours which was such a blessing after the night before when he was up from 1-4 fussy! And between the nipple soreness pain and the stomach cramps/gas I have been miserable!!! today is better than yesterday and I know it'll keep getting better.

Funny story: so somehow I lost my phone in the hospital...I think it ended up in the sheets...and into their laundry but by the time we realized it was gone and had them go check the delivery room they had cleaned it and taken all the laundry downstairs...where it then gets put on a truck and sent an hour away to be it was gone! No one could find it, so wed-sat I was without a phone. In a way it was kinda a nice distractions! Saturday Dustin got me a new phone. Yay, and it's an iPhone 6! :D and works way better than my old one...and this time I got insurance too ;S haha cuz I'm sure I will need it eventually!

Mylie is LOVING having a baby brother and always wants to hold him and hug and kiss him and says "oh, I love you baby brother" it's so cute!!!!! She is just the sweetest big sister (most of the time ;)! 

Taysom took a while to warm up to him. The first day he didn't want to even look at him, the next day he was ok from a distance but wouldn't get close, but some of that may have been cuz we were still at the hospital cuz Friday when we came home he was finally coming over to him and would point and say "baby". Sunday he climbed up on my lap with Parker and wanted to lay on me by him. "Parpar" is what he has started calling him. :) He wants to give him his binki all the time! even when he is asleep haha, but he is still afraid/doesn't like the little glove things on his hands (so he doesn't scratch his face cuz I can't cut his nails for like two weeks till they grow out and unattach from the finger) Yesterday he even wanted to hold him! I think it was because Mylie had just asked/held him. SO cute!!! :D

SO GRATEFUL to have Dustin here as support and to have my mom and brother here to help! My mom has done lots from cleaning to making food, to helping with the other kids. Daniel is definitely the favorite uncle :P and has played so much with the kids! :D Pretty sure I am going to cry when they have to leave in the morning! At least Dustin will be able to work from home a couple more days after they leave so I won't be alone taking care of 3 during the day quite yet...I can see a lot of Doc Mcstuffins and Mickey Mouse in the near future. :P

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